Sunday, January 3, 2010

Chapter 1: Part 1, Adventures of the Dark Elf

Hello I'm Samantha "Dark Elf" Jewel Hernandez, age 12, of Sebastian Florida. This is my FIRST blog on (WOOT), I heard of blogspot from the awesomest peeps ever - Shaytards! lol. My friends (that I have left) and myself call me The Dark Elf because it goes along with my awesomeness. YEAH I WENT THERE! I'm not immature, I just know how to have fun :). My favorite comedian: Brad Loekle. Favorite Songs: To many to count! My Favorite cat: Trixie- the egigtian mau. My plan: 1. Join the Army when 18 (2yrs), 2. Veteranarian Schooling, 3. Become Veteranarian, 4. Continue Hobby (mailing famous peeps), and thats all I have so far :P. Well, this is my first blog, so I'm gonna cut-it-short. Later!

PS- (Above) Thats my picture, but I think you've figuerd that out lol.